Thursday, September 20, 2012

FWL Episode 12 - I'm Back!

Download the .mp3

A podcast chronicling the journey of one man's experience in becoming a foster parent. It's been over a year but I'm back and my wife and I have a foster child in our home. I talk about what it was like and the CPR training course we went through to be licensed again.

Website for this podcast:


  1. Welcome Back!! I cannot wait to hear more of your stores :-)

  2. Thank you so much Melissa! I look forward to sharing them. It was quite the first weekend :)

    1. I bet! We are currently in a pre-adoptive placement with 2 sisters (3 and 4 yrs old) it has been so busy for our family. We are here in Philadelphia. Just waiting for our adoption date!

  3. Melissa,

    Wow best of luck! That is incredible and you guys are so awesome for giving those girls a home. I know what you mean about being busy. Once we get the kids down for bed, it's like whew! :)
