Monday, October 4, 2010

What's Next?

Hello dear listeners. Thank you so much for visiting the site, and for your patience in waiting for a new episode. I wanted to let you know that I have purchased the book "Parenting with Love and Logic," and I'm going to be podcasting my thoughts on it as I read through it. Also, I would like to sit down with my wife at some point and sum up what the whole adoption process was like for us, and how it has affected our involvement in foster care and what our future family will look like from here on out. But for now, the next episode will be thoughts and comments on what I've read so far in that book. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi, just had to share that we FINALLY got our first placement!!! We got a call last Wednesday saying if we could be at the hospital within half an hour we could have a biracial, 6.5 lb baby boy. He's a week old today, and we are head over heels in love!!!!!!!

  2. Wow, that is wonderful news! Congratulations JaneAustenFan. Hope it's going well.

  3. Things are going great -- he's a dream baby, never crying or spitting up, super alert and observant. It's still a crazy ride, though. Here's some specific topic ideas to cover when discussing fostering infants, if you're interested. When Baby Is Born With Cocaine in his System or When Baby Is Diagnosed With Syphilis. Yes. Syphilis. Of course, we knew all this was not that uncommon in the foster care system... but actually caring for a drug-exposed, venereal-disease-diagnosed newborn is something else. I even get to be tested for Syphilis because he bled all over me while undergoing his bloodwork! Poor little guy! Fortunately, no symptoms so far -- or apparent side effects or signs of withdrawal from the drugs. He's a little trooper, that's for sure.
